Scary Numbers

The Inter­net is full of those fun “list type” sto­ries, “10 Tips for Work­place Suc­cess” or “5 Points to Nail an Inter­view.” I have writ­ten sev­eral over the years as blog post­ings. They help define con­cepts and frame infor­ma­tion so that it is eas­ier to remem­ber. Look through my archives and I bet you can spot them in 30 sec­onds or less. That’s the point.

But in a recent arti­cle by a lead­ing World infor­ma­tion pow­er­house, GALLUP, the num­bers are big­ger and with huge ram­i­fi­ca­tions. The May 2015 num­ber for Employ­ee Engage­ment was flat and low at 31.5%. That means only 31.5% of employ­ees were engaged in their work. Engage­ment for the pur­pose of GALLUP’s poll is to define employ­ees who are involved in, enthu­si­as­tic and com­mit­ted to their work.

The impor­tance of this mea­sure is the cor­re­la­tion to a company’s pro­duc­tiv­ity, prof­itabil­ity and cus­tomer engage­ment.

Life is way too short to not enjoy and be engaged in your work. Like­wise, the liveli­hood of a com­pany is way too vul­ner­a­ble to not have engaged employ­ees. Want to read the brief but full arti­cle? Click here. 
Under­stand­ing your­self and your employ­ees can help close the “Scary Gap” of unen­gaged, under­pro­duc­tive work­ers. Want to learn how?

Click here for a video clip.
Part of the engage­ment issue rests in the hands of man­age­ment, but a large and unde­fined por­tion rests in the hands of our own per­sonal efforts to iden­tify the work we would most enjoy and be good at in an on-going basis. Like I said, life is just too short.