Trends? Where are the Good Jobs?

I hope each week you visit the blog that you gain something for yourself or provide benefit for someone else through forwarding the information.  When I read great articles like the one linked here, I find it affirming that I am on the right path when I talk about the importance of leadership and knowledge based societies.

Whether you are a student in school or an adult in the workforce, it is important to recognize that many of the millions of jobs and even careers that have been lost in the last 5 years will not return even when the economy gains strength.  Our society as a whole has had a major shift in technology and jobs.  Jobs of the future will be “knowledge jobs”.  And regardless of how expensive education is, it will be vital to the future of our nation and the individuals within.  Education may be a university degree or it may be a trade or technical school certification, but having that education will make all the difference.

So it is important to pay attention to trends.    Trends of success in the future will include leadership and knowledge jobs.  Click here to read the article, “Where are the Good Jobs”.  Let me know what you think.