Hans Hanson makes it happen!

Would a sports schol­ar­ship ease the bur­den on your family’s bud­get? Or, do you just need help sort­ing through all the options to find a col­lege per­fect for you?

MyCol­lege­L­og­ic is a fam­i­ly of advi­sors, experts in the col­lege search, the recruit­ing game and the com­pe­ti­tion for schol­ar­ships. CST makes a dif­fer­ence, and proves it every sea­son.


The Highlands Ability Battery

The High­lands Abil­i­ty Bat­tery is a series of work-sam­ples designed to mea­sure and define your nat­ur­al abil­i­ties. How eas­i­ly you com­plete a work sam­ple defines how “nat­u­ral­ly” the under­ly­ing apti­tude comes to you.

To learn more, vis­it The High­lands Com­pa­ny.