Connecting Passions, Talents and Careers

“The biggest mistake people make in life is not making a living doing what they most enjoy.”  Malcolm S. Forbes 

 ”Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you.” Alan Armstrong

Both of these men have lived lives dedicated to their passions, using their talents and establishing careers that are recognized by millions.  Their success may be measured by some people by the money they have made or their impact on the world.  But most important is their own perception of their lives.  In sharing their quotes we get a glimpse of what living their passions has meant to them.

As I write this blog in July of 2011, the unemployment rate is sitting at 9.2 percent leaving millions of people without jobs, disconnected from careers and questioning their direction.  But that is not the only alarming figure.  In recent articles, figures are being reported that 60-75 percent of workers dislike what they do for a living.  I say, “Life is too short not to be happy in your life’s work.”  What are you doing to assess your talents, skills, passions and direction?

Do you remember the learning to count worksheets you did in kindergarten and first grade that instructed you to connect the dots from 1-10 and in so doing you created a picture of something?  Well, connecting the dots of passion, skill and ability can help you create a masterpiece in life.  Creating the best you is about connecting all of the dots.   Need help?  Click here to contact me.