
Did you dream of being a fireman, football player, or a teacher? Who asked you what you want to be when you grow up? What is “Grown Up”? Did you ask yourself? Do you still have that dream? What’s next? There is POWER in your dreams. I’m talking about the dreams in your heart. When … Continue reading "Power in Your Dreams" Read More ›

I spoke just last night to a group of high school students and their parents regarding choosing college majors and careers.  As part of that presentation, I talked about the importance of preparing now and part of the preparation needed to be addressing their “social image.”  I defined their social image as anything from email … Continue reading Read More ›

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the day to day demands that we lose sight of the where we are in the big picture. For high school and college students that location can be critical.  So in an effort to re-focus and clearly identify where you are, let’s look at the resources. As a … Continue reading "Student “To Do” List" Read More ›

The Inter­net is full of those fun “list type” sto­ries, “10 Tips for Work­place Suc­cess” or “5 Points to Nail an Inter­view.” I have writ­ten sev­eral over the years as blog post­ings. They help define con­cepts and frame infor­ma­tion so that it is eas­ier to remem­ber. Look through my archives and I bet you can … Continue reading "Scary Numbe Read More ›

High school and col­lege stu­dents face sim­i­lar ques­tions, “What to do with the sum­mer break?”  Your age, trans­porta­tion avail­abil­ity and class require­ments may dic­tate part of your sum­mer, but there may be some time that goes unclaimed.  The ear­lier you begin mak­ing the plan and tak­ing action, the more oppor­tu­ni­ties you can cre­ate for your­self. … Read More ›
